Friday, 5 December 2014

Timed Assessment - As The Makeup Artist

On Wednesday 3rd December it was my timed assessment as the makeup artist! Hannah gave me her design and we practiced until I felt confident in doing it. It helped that me and Hannah had good communication skills and it meant that we could practice in and outside of lesson and she could direct  me with how she wanted her design to look. We both came prepared to our assessment, Hannah bringing in her notes, designs and anything extra she used for her design and I came along with my full makeup kit and brushes. I set up the workstation neatly and as soon as we were allowed to start, I got on right away. I feel that I did a good job in the assessment and I believe I got the mask equal on both sides which is good as it needed to be symmetrical. I learnt from last time that I needed to make the contour around the face and cheekbones stronger so that it didn't fade when the light hit it and I believe I have improved on this area. If I were to improve and do the assessment again, I would divide my time equally and spend a certain amount on each part of the face such as the eyes, lips and cheeks, rather than just focusing all my time on getting the mask symmetrical for example. I believe this would have helped more as I would have been able to spend a fair amount of time on each feature to allow me for any mistakes made. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

3 Brushes Challenge

In our lesson we had to either design a face chart or practice our partners design for the timed assessment, but there was a catch - we could only use 3 brushes so we had to choose wisely. I wanted to practice my partners design so I could gain more confidence and I chose my foundation buffer brush, a small sized brush and an angled brush. It was really interesting actually as I'm so used to picking up any brush and using it to create the design so I had to choose very carefully.

I think I did quite a good job though as I just used the buffer brush to apply and buff in the foundation. I used the small brush to paint the white mask and blend in the pink around the hairline and to contour and I used the angled brush for the detail; so the lips and the outline of the mask. It was a lot harder obviously, as you only had these 3 brushes to work with but I really enjoyed it and I love a challenge!